
Showing posts from April, 2024

Wk 13; Coastal Hazards

 Chile is prone to many environmental issues such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and many other hazards along the coast and because it is a coastal region it has been recently reported to deal with  coastal erosions as well.  An article "Environment pollution and climate change" shared by a group of researchers shares that Chile began to deal with coastal erosions in 2015 with more frequency . Coastal erosions have caused great damage to chile and it's people; it has took the lives of many, damaged the coastal infrastructure, and has even caused  mass amounts of sand loss in the coast of chile. And if that wasn't enough, coastal erosions are also causing financial loss to chile because the damage left behind from coastal erosions keep tourist from wanting to go into the nation and reside within chiles beautiful coastlines. Central Chile has lots of human activity within the area and unfortunately it is the area most affected. That is why Chile has focused on finding ways t

Wk 10: Extreme Weather

 Droughts in Chile  Chile in no stranger to environmental issues. An ongoing issue in Chile are droughts. A drought- a prolonged dry period. The droughts in Chile have impacted the nations and it's people severely , interfering with it's mining and green businesses.  According to an article by Earth Observatory , the droughts present  in chile have led to several other issues such straining the nations water supplies, damaging and parching crops, and even increasing the chances of wildfires for the nation.  During the winter of 2023, Chile received rain and snow which temporarily eased the ongoing issues caused by the drought. The drought in central Chile has been an ongoing issue for the past decade. Chile began to experience a drought in 2010's - according to  Earth Observatory Perception  in Central Chile( where most of the population is present in)  has been below average  and since then the nation has dealt with the consequences of droughts and everything else that fol