Wk 13; Coastal Hazards

 Chile is prone to many environmental issues such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and many other hazards along the coast and because it is a coastal region it has been recently reported to deal with  coastal erosions as well.  An article "Environment pollution and climate change" shared by a group of researchers shares that Chile began to deal with coastal erosions in 2015 with more frequency . Coastal erosions have caused great damage to chile and it's people; it has took the lives of many, damaged the coastal infrastructure, and has even caused  mass amounts of sand loss in the coast of chile. And if that wasn't enough, coastal erosions are also causing financial loss to chile because the damage left behind from coastal erosions keep tourist from wanting to go into the nation and reside within chiles beautiful coastlines. Central Chile has lots of human activity within the area and unfortunately it is the area most affected. That is why Chile has focused on finding ways to deal with this "new hazard." 

To combat the natural issue Chile has focused on researching, tracking patterns and implementing structures to minimize the damage caused by coastal erosions. Chile has focused on constructing seawalls, creating plans to manage the event of a  coastal erosions, and nourish techniques to reconstruct damage environment and regain the mass of sand on the coastlines. Because chile is new to dealing with coastal erosions  there is not many solutions set compared to other nations that have historically  dealt with the environmental  issue. Other nations have established revetments, bulkheads, groins, and breakwaters to temporarily minimize the damage of coastal erosions. Moving forward Chile will implant new ideas, gather the data necessary, and establish  structures to keep it's people and beautiful coastlines safe from coastal erosions. 

Coastal Erosion in Central Chile: A New Hazard?, erosioncostera.furg.br/images/PDFs/2017_-_Coastal_erosion_in_central_Chile__A_new_hazard_-_Martinez.pdf. Accessed 23 Apr. 2024.

pCarolina Martinez Mauricio Villagran Patricio Winckler Manuel ContrerasLopez Pablo Lopez Matias Gomez, and Cesar Esparzap. “Coastal Erosion and Storm: The New Natural Hazards in Chile.” Coastal Erosion And Storm: The New Natural Hazards In Chile | 96911, OMICS International, 24 Oct. 2018, www.omicsonline.org/proceedings/coastal-erosion-and-storm-the-new-natural-hazards-in-chile-96911.html.

Protect Your Property from Coastal Erosion | FEMA, www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-11/fema_protect-your-property_coastal-erosion.pdf. Accessed 23 Apr. 2024.


  1. Hey, good work. It's crazy that the cause of erosion has not only damaged Chile but has actually taken the life of some people. Then the financials to it make a bad situation worse.

  2. Hello Jassibe, it's unfortunate to hear about the significant amount of damage coastal erosions caused to Chile. However, I'm glad Chile is taking action to prevent future damage. Great work!

  3. Jassibe! Amazing post, it was very insightful and so detailed about the issues of erosion in the coastal areas of Chile. It is very unfortunate to here about how significant it is present in the country. I am glad that they are taking steps and see the problem that is being caused and to add more research developments to further prevent the risk of more lives being lost from these coastal hazards.

  4. It is crazy how much impact climate change has had on nearly every part of the world! I am glad however that Chile has a plan on how they can reduce the impact of climate change. It is very sad that it took the lives of many.

  5. Great post, Jassibe! It's heartbreaking that coastal erosion in Chile has not only caused significant damage and financial strain but also claimed lives. The impact of climate change is truly staggering. I'm glad Chile is taking action to prevent further harm through research and development, even though it's unfortunate that lives had to be lost before steps were taken. Well done for shedding light on this critical issue.


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