Week 8; Mass wasting hazards

 Chile is exposed to dealing with landslides.  The cause of the land slides are due to other natural disasters or heavy rain fall. Chile commonly deals with other environmental issues such as earthquakes. Chiles chances of dealing with land slides are high. Think hazard reports that this is due to rainfall patterns, terrain slope, geology, soil, land cover, and of course earthquakes ; which chile is highly prone to.

An example of an earthquake leading to a landslide would be the 1960 9.5m earthquake in Chile. After the earthquakes, floods and land slides followed. The land slides affected many communities . Causing destruction and damaging houses of surrounding communities. 

A recent landslide in Chile that took place on September 20, 2023 caused three fatalities, and one person missing.  People were isolated, two houses were destroyed, and many others were affected. This land slidwas caused due to heavy rain fall in the Aracunia region of Chile. 


Araya-Cornejo, Cristian, et al. “River-Damming Landslides during the 1960 Chile Earthquake (M9.5) and Earlier Events: Implications for Risk Assessment in the San Pedro River Basin - Natural Hazards.” SpringerLink, Springer Netherlands, 10 Mar. 2024, link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11069-024-06474-8.

“Chile - Landslide (WHO PAHO, Media, Dirección Meteorológica de Chile) (Echo Daily Flash of 20 September 2023) - Chile.” ReliefWeb, 20 Sept. 2023, reliefweb.int/report/chile/chile-landslide-who-paho-media-direccion-meteorologica-de-chile-echo-daily-flash-20-september-2023.

Think Hazard - Chile - Landslide, thinkhazard.org/en/report/51-chile/LS. Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.

“World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal.” Vulnerability | Climate Change Knowledge Portal, climateknowledgeportal.worldbank.org/country/chile/vulnerability#:~:text=Historical%20Hazards,floods%20and%20landslides%2C%20and%20droughts. Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.


  1. Hi, I really enjoyed reading your blog and learning more about Chile's landslides. One thing I noticed our chosen countries have in common is that they both have unfortunately experienced devastating landslides last year.

  2. Hi Jassibe, lovely blog. Looking at your images about where the more prone areas for Landslides makes sense especially since Chile is in the ring of fire. The events in 1960 make sense as earthquakes are prone to Chile and it can cause landslides and flooding to occur. Its very devastating how many mass wasting hazards happen per year in so many countries. Thank you for your post and keep up the good work.

  3. This was a very interesting read. Any specific mitigation measures for this hazard you can share?

  4. Hi Jassibe, I thought your post on mass wasting in Chile is very informational and useful for understanding certain risk factors and how different countries are from one another in terms of mass wasting. The images you used were very clear and provided a better idea of what you're referring to on the maps. Great job this week!

  5. Hey Jassibe, I really liked your description of mass wasting risks. Its tough that chile is exposed to landslides due to their heavy rainfall. I also like how you gave an example of a earthquake leading to a landslide so from what I have read, I can definitely tell that landslides are prominent in this area.

  6. Hi Jassibe, my country Japan also deals with landslides! Japan also has a high risk of landslides, especially when there is heavy rainfall but it does not limit itself to only rainfall, there are more reason for landslide in Japan. Japan has had so many landslides that sadly does take the lives of so many humans.


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